Hey everybody, Panadero here. Last month as I looked through my files I realized that May was the month that the site had first gone online, and then it hit me that this May in particular was a landmark of sorts, that it was the five year anniversary of the site launch. It's hard to express how grateful I am that the site has become as popular as it has, especially when it's considered that based on what I've seen, around 75% of our visitors arrive primarily through word-of-mouth.
When I look back these five years to when my fellow staff and I decided to do this, it almost seemed like a crazy idea. It wasn't impossible by any means, but if we were to truly live up to our goal of becoming the one of the most comprehensive Chrono-related sites on the internet, we had our work cut out for ourselves. To this day, we will not be satisfied as long as there is more we can bring our visitors, and we will do our best to keep the site fresh and growing.
I'd like to give my thanks to Ben, the owner of Varlew, for being an understanding and helpful friend for hosting a site like this, Buckminst for providing the awesome Fifth Anniversary Banner and dealing with my Chrono rabidness, my fellow staff for following through and keeping me in check, and all of our visitors from all over the world, especially those who helped the site grow by contributing their fanart, fanfics, and other original material. Here's to another five years!
- Panadero
Five years... A lot can be said about the fact that we've been around for five years. As Panadero stated, we couldn't have done it without the help of our friends and our loyal fans. What originated as an idea on a whim one summer exploded into a full blown, extensive, comprehensive encyclopedia of all things Chrono. Through multiple versions, many server downtimes, and a bunch of info droughts, we stuck in there, dedicated to becoming the best.
While we might not be the undisputed best, we are in fact among the best. I think it's important to the thank the competition out there as well (I use that term loosely as there's nothing but positivity). Without them keeping us on our toes, complacency might have set in. We are among some of the best designed and most information packed Chrono Trigger/Cross resources out there and it's good to know our passion is a shared one.
While my name scarcely appears anywhere on the site anymore, this is because most of the updates to the site are minor ones: Cosmetic updates or mostly just one person jobs. I remain behind the scenes, continuing my position as subtle Chrono Guru. Rest assured, once a new Chrono game is announced, I will be updating nearly as regularly as Panadero. But until a new game joins this series, and for years thereafter, we will do our best to be your best source for all things Chrono. My gratitude to our fans, our contributers, our staff, all our visitors, and anyone else who makes this site possible. To echo my comrade, here's to another five years!
- Prince Io